Coronavirus and DroneQ service

The Coronavirus and the measures imposed by the government undeniably affect us all, both in our operations and in our personal lives. It’s hard times for a lot of people in the world and we all have to settle in, stay sensible and make the best of it.

DroneQ has set up the organization from a business continuity model, allowing DroneQ’s drone operation to continue within the framework of measures imposed. For the time being, our service is available to customers without restrictions and we can continue to perform our drone support services. Inspections, mapping, photo and film assignments and all other tasks that DroneQ performs can simply take place. Of course, in addition to the precautions imposed by the government, we also advise the customer to take specific measures to heart when carrying out the assignments. The safety and health of humans and animals remain at the top of DroneQ’s priority list!

Where possible, we will offer as many coordinations and presentations as possible via our online platform, where they need to take place personally, we will do so in good agreement. DroneQ has more than 20 years of experience in secure data collection, secure data processing and data sharing and securely collaborate online between our own teams, partners and customers!

We advise you to continue to consult the RIVM reports: Go to RIVM website