Hofplein 20

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Email: info@droneq.nl



Do you have any questions about DroneQ Robotics? Or do you want to know what DroneQ can do for you? Please fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We would be happy to talk to you to discuss the possibilities.



In these general terms and conditions, the following terminology is used with the meaning mentioned above, unless otherwise indicated.

Modification Date: 01-03-2019

Contractor: DroneQ

Client: The other party of the contractor

Assignment: The work or software to be determined by mutual agreement between the client and DroneQ and/or hardware supplies to be supplied by the DroneQ and the conditions under which this must be done.


  1. The general terms and conditions apply to all offers, tenders, works, contracts and agreements between DroneQ and client (s) to which DroneQ has declared these terms and conditions applicable, provided that these conditions are not in writing.
  2. These conditions also apply to contracts with DroneQ, where third parties are involved.
  3. If one or more of the provisions in these general terms and conditions expire, the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions shall remain applicable. In that event, the Parties shall consult in order to agree on replacement provisions, taking into account, as far as possible, the purpose and scope of the original provision.


  1. Quotations from DroneQ are based on the information provided by the client.
  2. The client shall ensure that he has given all the essential information necessary for the design, execution and completion of the assignment.
  3. The quotations made by DroneQ are free of obligation and valid for 30 days, unless otherwise indicated in the offer.
  4. DroneQ is only bound to the tenders if its acceptance is confirmed by the other party in writing within 30 days, unless otherwise indicated. Prices in the said offers are exclusive of VAT, other government levies and other costs incurred for the contract, such as shipping and handling costs, unless otherwise indicated.
  5. If the acceptance (on subordinate points) differs from the offer included in the offer, DroneQ is not bound by it. The contract will not be established according to this deviating acceptance, unless DroneQ indicates otherwise.
  6. A compound quote does not require DroneQ to carry out part of the contract against a corresponding part of the quoted price.


The client provides DroneQ with all documents, information and contacts, approvals necessary for the proper execution of the assignment.


  1. DroneQ performs the work within the framework of the assignment, to best understanding, expertise and ability.
  2. To the extent necessary for the proper execution of the contract, DroneQ has the right (parts of) the work to be performed by third parties. He shall do so only with the prior consent of the client and will do his utmost to achieve the agreed obligations and quality.
  3. DroneQ accepts no liability for the activities carried out by third parties, provided that they have entered into an agreement with the client.
  4. DroneQ is not liable for damage caused by the fact that he has been assumed by the client of incorrect and/or incomplete data, unless the inaccuracies or incompleteness of the data were known to him.
  5. If it has been agreed that the contract will be carried out in phases, DroneQ may suspend the execution of those parts which belong to a further stage until the client has approved the results of the preceding stage in writing.
  6. If third parties engaged by DroneQ or DroneQ, for the contract work are carried out at the location of the client or a location designated by the client, the client shall, free of charge, take care of the reasonableness of those employees Desired facilities.


  1. The client accepts that the time schedule of the assignment may be affected if parties decide to change the approach, method of operation or scope of the contract and the resulting work.
  2. Where the client makes interim changes in the execution of the contract, DroneQ will make the necessary adjustments on behalf of the client. If this leads to additional work, he will charge the client as an additional assignment. DroneQ may charge the additional costs for changing the order to the client.
  3. Notwithstanding paragraph 1. DroneQ does not charge any additional charges if the modification or addition of the contract is due to circumstances attributable to DroneQ.


  1. The parties enter the contract for an indefinite period, unless otherwise agreed in writing in the tender.
  2. If a deadline has been agreed within the period of the contract for completion of certain activities, this is not a fatal term. If the execution period is exceeded, the client must therefore DroneQ in writing.
  3. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. If the parties have not agreed otherwise in writing, DroneQ shall set its rate according to its hourly fee.
  2. In the rate of DroneQ are included the cost of secretarial activities and telephone charges. He declares any travel and accommodation costs according to appointments in the quotation.
  3. In all tenders, DroneQ will only charge the actual time spent and in the case of imminent overrun of more than 5 of the quoted amount, he shall declare after consultation with the client.
  4. Prices of software provided and maintenance and support are specified in the quotation.
  5. Amounts are excluding VAT.
  6. If DroneQ with the client DroneQ an hourly rate, it is nevertheless entitled to raise this tariff without the client being entitled in that case to dissolve the contract for that reason, if the increase in the price results from a jurisdiction or obligation under the laws or regulations or its cause is found in an increase in the price of commodities, wages etcetera or on other grounds which were reasonably unforeseeable when entering into the agreement.
  7. DroneQ may – without prior written notice – raise the rate agreed upon on 1 January of each calendar year with up to the rate of inflation provided by the CBS in the preceding year.
  8. In the case of price rises outside inflation, DroneQ may also increase prices. The client may cancel the order at an annual increase of more than 10%. He may not do this, when the increase ensues from the law.
  9. DroneQ will inform the client of its plans to increase the rate, including its height and effective date, in writing.
  10. If the client does not agree to the increase of more than the maximum rate of inflation provided by the CBS in the preceding year by DroneQ, it may cancel the order in writing within two weeks of its notification. The commencement date of the increase referred to in the notification of DroneQ.
  11. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. Payment must be made within two weeks (14 days) after the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in the quotation. DroneQ reserve the right to change the terms of payment in the interim and to deposit it with the Chamber of Commerce.
  2. In the case of renewals of maintenance and support contracts of supplied software and/or hardware, the payment of the costs due must be paid before the expiration of the renewal date.
  3. For Cloud services and cloud based solutions, payment of the costs due prior to the commencement date and or effective date of the cloud services and/or cloud based solutions must be met.
  4. After the expiration date, the client is legally in default and DroneQ has the right to calculate 2% interest. DroneQ calculates the interest on the amount to be paid from the moment that the client is in default, until the amount is paid in full.
  5. DroneQ has the right to make payments made by the client in the first place deducting the costs, then deducting the open interest rates and finally deducting the principal and the current interest. DRONEQ may, without failing to do so, refuse an offer to pay if the client designates a different order for the payment. DroneQ may refuse full repayment of the principal if it does not include open cases and current interest and collection costs.
  6. In case of liquidation, bankruptcy, seizure or moratorium of payment of the client, the claims of DroneQ on the client are immediately payable.
  7. In the failure to fulfill the obligations of the client, all costs incurred in order to be able to claim for the client are both judicial and extra-judicial.
  8. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. All goods delivered by DroneQ, such as designs, sketches, drawings, films, software and (electronic) files, remain the property of DroneQ until the client has fulfilled all its obligations.
  2. The client is not authorised to pledge or otherwise object to the goods covered by the reservation of title.
  3. If third parties seize the goods delivered under retention of title or if they wish to establish or assert rights thereto, the client must be able to inform DroneQ as soon as he or she can be expected of them.
  4. The client is obliged to ensure the goods delivered under retention of title and to keep them insured against fire, explosion, water damage and theft and to provide the insurance policy upon request, immediately for inspection.
  5. The goods delivered by DroneQ, as provided for in paragraph 1. Of this article, subject to the reservation of title, may only be resold in the ordinary course of business but never used as a means of payment.
  6. If DroneQ are exercising any proprietary rights referred to in this article, the client shall give unconditional and non-revocable consent to DroneQ – or by appointing third parties – to all sites where the property of DroneQ is located. To take back these matters.
  7. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. Complaints about the work done must notify the client in writing to DroneQ within two months after the invoice date and no later than three months after completion of the work in question. The notice of default must contain as detailed a description as possible of the shortcoming, so that DroneQ can respond appropriately.
  2. If a complaint is justified, DroneQ will perform the work as agreed, unless it has been demonstrably pointless. The latter must make the client known in writing.
  3. If the agreed work is no longer possible or meaningful, DroneQ shall be liable within the limits of article 15.
  4. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. If the agreement is terminated in the meantime by DroneQ, DroneQ will, in agreement with the client, take care of the transfer of work to third parties. Dit tenzij de opzegging aan de Opdrachtgever toerekenbaar is. Indien de overdracht van de werkzaamheden voor DroneQ extra kosten met zich meebrengt, dan worden deze aan de Opdrachtgever in rekening gebracht. De Opdrachtgever is gehouden deze kosten binnen de daarvoor genoemde termijn te voldoen, tenzij DroneQ anders aangeeft.
  2. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. DroneQ is bevoegd de nakoming van de verplichtingen op te schorten of de overeenkomst te ontbinden, indien de Opdrachtgever de verplichtingen uit de overeenkomst niet, niet volledig of niet tijdig nakomt, na het sluiten van de overeenkomst DroneQ ter kennis gekomen omstandigheden goede grond geven te vrezen dat de Opdrachtgever de verplichtingen niet zal nakomen, indien de Opdrachtgever bij het sluiten van de overeenkomst verzocht is om zekerheid te stellen voor de voldoening van zijn verplichtingen uit de overeenkomst en deze zekerheid uitblijft of onvoldoende is of indien door de vertraging aan de zijde van de Opdrachtgever niet langer van DroneQ kan worden gevergd dat hij de overeenkomst tegen de oorspronkelijk overeengekomen condities zal nakomen.
  2. Voorts is DroneQ bevoegd de overeenkomst te ontbinden indien zich omstandigheden voordoen welke van dien aard zijn dat nakoming van de overeenkomst onmogelijk is of indien er zich anderszins omstandigheden voordoen die van dien aard zijn dat ongewijzigde instandhouding van de overeenkomst in redelijkheid niet van DroneQ kan worden gevergd. Indien de overeenkomst wordt ontbonden zijn de vorderingen van DroneQ op de Opdrachtgever onmiddellijk opeisbaar. Indien DroneQ de nakoming van de verplichtingen opschort, behoudt hij zijn aanspraken uit de wet en overeenkomst.
  3. Indien DRONEQ tot opschorting of ontbinding overgaat, worden de schade en kosten daardoor op enigerlei wijze ontstaan afgehandeld volgens normale schaderegels van het Burgerlijk Wetboek.
  4. Indien de ontbinding aan de Opdrachtgever toerekenbaar is, is DroneQ gerechtigd tot vergoeding van de schade, daaronder begrepen de kosten, daardoor direct en indirect ontstaan.
  5. Indien de Opdrachtgever zijn uit de overeenkomst voortvloeiende verplichtingen niet nakomt en deze niet-nakoming ontbinding rechtvaardigt, dan is DroneQ gerechtigd de overeenkomst terstond en met directe ingang te ontbinden zonder enige verplichting zijnerzijds tot betaling van enige schadevergoeding of schadeloosstelling, terwijl de Opdrachtgever, uit hoofde van wanprestatie, wél tot schadevergoeding of schadeloosstelling is verplicht.
  6. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. Als DroneQ aan Opdrachtgever bij de uitvoering van de opdracht zaken ter beschikking heeft gesteld, moet Opdrachtgever het geleverde op zijn schriftelijke verzoek binnen 14 dagen in oorspronkelijke staat, vrij van gebreken en volledig teruggeven. Komt Opdrachtgever deze verplichting niet na, dan zijn alle hieruit voortvloeiende kosten voor zijn rekening.
  2. Als Opdrachtgever, nadat hij een aanmaning heeft ontvangen, alsnog in gebreke blijft, mag DroneQ de daaruit voortvloeiende schade en kosten, waaronder de kosten van vervanging, op hem verhalen.


  1. Voor aanvaarde opdrachten heeft DroneQ een inspanningsverplichting. Indien DroneQ aansprakelijk mocht zijn, dan is deze aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot hetgeen in deze bepaling is geregeld.
  2. DroneQ is not liable for damage, of any nature whatsoever, arising from the fact that DroneQ has been assumed by or on behalf of the client of incorrect and/or incomplete data.
  3. DroneQ is only liable for direct damage. Indirect damage shall be understood to mean only reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent of the damage, provided that the determination relates to damages within the meaning of these conditions, any reasonable costs incurred in order to Inadequate performance of DroneQ to the agreement, for as much as can be attributed to DroneQ and reasonable costs incurred to prevent or reduce damage, provided the client demonstrates that these costs have been Direct damage as referred to in these general terms and conditions. DroneQ is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profits, missed savings and damage caused by company stagnation.
  4. If DroneQ is liable for direct damage, then this liability is limited to maximum the declaration amount and in any case the amount of the benefit to be provided by the underwriter of DroneQ.
  5. The limitations of liability referred to in this article shall not apply if the damage is attributable to intentional or gross negligence on the DroneQ or its executives and subordinates.
  6. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client. DroneQ is in no way liable for any changes that the software and/or hardware vendors make in relation to their products and/or services including but not limited to terms of use, license terms, End-of-Live ( EOL)/End-of-Sales, End-of-Support, support conditions, et cetera.


The client shall indemnify DroneQ against claims of third parties, which suffer damage in connection with the execution of the agreement and whose cause is attributable to other than to DroneQ. If DroneQ could be addressed by third parties, the principal is obliged to assist DroneQ both outside and in law and to do so without delay to the expected of him in that case. Should the client fail to take adequate measures, DroneQ, without notice of default, shall be entitled to proceed to that effect. All costs and damages on the part of DroneQ and third parties therefore arise, are integral to the account and risk of the client.


  1. The parties do not have to comply with obligations if they are hindered by circumstances that are not due to debt, and – under the law – even when a legal act or a view in the traffic is on their behalf.
  2. Force Majeure means – in addition to what is understood by law and jurisprudence – all of the outside causes, foreseeable or not foreseen, on which the contractor is not able to exert any influence, but which does not enable him to fulfill his obligations To meet. Work strikes in the company of the contractor, sickness and/or disability fall under this also.
  3. DroneQ also has the right to invoke force majeure, if the circumstance preventing (further) fulfillment occurs after he has had to fulfill his obligations.
  4. Parties can postpone their obligations during the situation of force majeure. If the situation of force majeure lasts longer than two months, all parties may dissolve, without obligation to compensate for damage to the other party.
  5. If, at the time of force majeure, DroneQ has partially fulfilled its obligations or will be able to fulfil it, he may declare this part. The client then complies with this declaration as if it were a separate assignment.


  1. Both parties are obliged to keep confidential information they have received for the assignment. Information is considered confidential if it is indicated by the other party or if this is apparent from the (type) information.
  2. Should DroneQ, in accordance with a legal provision or a court ruling, disclose confidential information to third parties – designated by the law or the competent court – and may not invoke a legal or competent court accredited or Permitted right of change, he is not obliged to compensate or compensation and the other party is not entitled to dissolve the contract on the basis of the damage that has arisen.


  1. DroneQ reserves the rights and powers which are vested in him on the basis of the Copyright Act and other intellectual laws and regulations. DroneQ has the right to use the knowledge gained by the execution of an agreement on its side also for other purposes, in so far as no strictly confidential information of the client is brought to the knowledge of third parties.
  2. In the case of software and/or hardware deliveries, the then-current terms and conditions of the relevant software and/or hardware supplier shall prevail if and to the extent expressly accepted by the client.


  1. In the event of any dispute arising out of this agreement or from subsequent agreements, the parties will seek to resolve them in the first instance by means of mediation.
  2. If it proves impossible to resolve such a dispute by means of mediation, the dispute will be settled by the competent court in Apeldoorn.


Dutch law applies to any assignment between DroneQ and client. Even if a commitment is carried out in whole or in part abroad or when the client is domiciled or established abroad.


These conditions are filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Apeldoorn. The last registered version or the version as it was at the time the order was created is always the current version.




DroneQ Robotics is fully aware of the influence of its activities in the field of HSEE and is constantly evaluating and if necessary improve whether these activities can be carried out in a safer, healthier and more sustainable way. DroneQ Robotics has incorporated the following in its daily operation:



  • DroneQ Robotics uses a cloud based Operation Centre solution, compliant ISO 21384 for Unmanned System, for Risk Management, Quality Management, Safety and Incident Management and Operations, including logging of operations, requirements, pre-operation and post operation procedures, incident registration, equipment maintenance and human resource management.
  • HSEE standards and guidelines are integrated in the various work, design and purchasing processes, daily operations and in the way DroneQ Robotics personnel think and act.
  • Ambitious goals and standards for HSEE are defined to continuously improve our performance in these areas. Our business activities are accompanied by the use of raw materials and energy, emissions to water and air, and odour and noise emissions. At least the requirements, as set out in legislation and regulations, are met.
  • DroneQ Robotics management takes into account sustainable development, in which raw materials and consumables, energy and water are dealt with efficiently. HSEE are an important starting point when operational decisions are taken, in purchase of equipment/services, and in the design of constructions/equipment.
  • DroneQ Robotics make maximum efforts to protect the environment and environmental protection at all times. DroneQ Robotics will strive to recycle, re-use or redecorate products and materials. DroneQ Robotics will make maximum efforts to limit the printing of documents and to use environmentally relieving paper where possible, as well as limiting the use of water, energy and the production of waste.
  • All employees and contractors are involved in activities and improvements in the field of HSEE.
  • Care is taken to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors. It is also guaranteed that they are aware of our ambitions and expectations in the field of HSEE.
  • To achieve the set objectives, management and executives donate the necessary time and resources available.


DroneQ Robotics, its employees and/or (sub) contractors, shall:

  • … at all times ensure the proper active security of its computer equipment and IT infrastructure, including but not limited to up-to-date antivirus, (personal) firewall, intrusion Prevention System, anti-malware, the most recent Patches and can use secure email communication and secure file sharing.
  • … at all times refrain from engaging in activities that could harm the data protection, general interests and reputation of DroneQ Robotics and its partners and/or customers in any manner, and make maximum efforts to avoid loss of data from DroneQ and or its partners and/or customers. In this context, DroneQ Robotics will confirm itself with the codes of conduct, house rules, clothing regulations and other relevant rules of DroneQ Robotics and/or its partners and/or customers and strictly comply with them.
  • … actively support, propagate and act on the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. This includes but is not limited to basic human rights, social justice and cultural diversity. DroneQ Robotics will not take on activities such as discrimination in any form, child labour or forced employment.
  • … refrain from any unethical behaviour, including extortion and bribery, and to prevent all forms of corruption. Any form of compensation, remuneration, donations or other benefits that may have any influence on decision-making or imaging of DroneQ Robotics and/or its partners and/or customers is strictly prohibited.



  • Take responsibility for the safety and health of themselves and others. They wear at all times the required Pesonal Prtection Equipment and address their colleagues in unsafe behaviour .
  • Analyse threats and risks, if possible improve working conditions and minimize the burden on the environment.
  • Rapport and correct immediate hazards, incidents and accidents in the area of HSEE to their direct manager/team lead and to DroneQ Robotics Safety Officer.
  • Take initiatives to improve the performances in terms of HSEE.
  • Always keep in consideration the energy efficiency at their work.
  • Actively participate in the preparation, planning and development of safety, health and environmental objectives of DroneQ Robotics.
  • Follow the guidelines that are given in toolbox meetings and at other information moments.
  • Comply with the regulations and are aware that sanctions can be imposed in the event of non-compliance.


  • Exhibit exemplary behaviour and give effect to the HSEE policy in the daily DroneQ Robotics operations.
  • Take responsibility for the safety and health of their employees and contractors and strive for continuous improvement in terms of HSEE.
  • Make guidelines and report on objectives, results and identified deficiencies in the area of HSEE.
  • They provide information and facilitate dialogue within DroneQ Robotics about HSEE.


1.2.1 IM SAFE

The health of the ROV/drone team is very important and has a direct impact of ROV/drone Operations safety. This is emphasized in the requirement for medical examinations and medical certificates. ROV/drone team members who feel sick or are affected in their perception or reflexes by drugs, drugs or pharmaceuticals have previously contributed to accidents in manned aviation and this also poses a major danger to ROV Operations.

A ROV/drone team member will resign his duties when operating a ROV/drone system if he/she doubts whether he/she can perform his duties properly or if he/she has the impression that he/she is suffering from such fatigue that this can endanger the ROV/drone Operation. If a ROV/drone team member does not feel fit enough to fly before or during a ROV/drone Operation, he/she will inform the other ROV/drone team members and the planning department as soon as possible so that another ROV/drone team member can be assigned to the ROV/drone Operations.

Each ROV/drone team member must use the IM SAFE methodology to determine whether he/she is fit enough to perform his tasks.

Illness: Do I (or did I) have a disease or do I have symptoms of a disease that hinder me in carrying out my work?

Medication: Have I taken prescribed medications that affect my alertness or my ability to perform my tasks?

Stress: Am I under such psychological pressure, related to work or private life, that it affects my ability to work?

Alcohol: Did I consume alcohol or drugs within the last 12 hours prior to the ROV/drone Operations?

Fatigue: Do I experience any kind of fatigue that affects my ability to perform this ROV/drone Operations?

Eating: Have I eaten enough and a good condition?

DroneQ Robotics has a zero tolerance policy for the use of soft or hard drugs and after drinking such a quantity of alcohol: that a litre of exhaled air contains 90 μg or more. That more than 0.2 mg of alcohol is detected per millilitre of blood. When assigned to any project, DroneQ Robotics has a zero tolerance for consuming alcohol for the duration of the ROV/drone project.

1.2.1 Hours of Operation

ROV/drone Operations require the full concentration of all ROV/drone team members at all times. In order to maintain ROV/drone Operations at peak performance, ROV/drone pilots shall perform no more than a maximum of four continuous hours of dive/fly time. ROV/drone Operations shall then be terminated or ROV/drone pilots will be rotated. After a one hour break, the original ROV/drone Pilot can return for another four hour period of ROV/drone Operations.

ROV/drone Operations can be performed during the day or night, but each ROV/drone Pilot shall be given the opportunity to acquire at least eight hours of continuous sleep per day. Normal work hours for personnel engaged in ROV/drone Operations should not exceed twelve hours during any twenty-four hour period.



The HSEE policy is reviewed, approved and published by the Accountable Manager (policy owner) on yearly base. Social, safety- , health-, environmental organizational development may be reason for changes to the policy. A proper change management procedure will be followed.


DroneQ, its employees and/or (sub) contractors, hereinafter referred to as “DroneQ”, shall:

  • … At all times ensure the proper active security of its computer equipment and IT infrastructure, including but not limited to up-to-date antivirus, (personal) firewall, intrusion Prevention System, anti-malware, the most recent Patches and can use secure email communication and secure file sharing.
  • … At all times refrain from engaging in activities that could harm the data protection, general interests and reputation of DroneQ and its partners and/or customers in any manner, and make maximum efforts to avoid loss of data from DroneQ and or its partners and/or customers. In this context, DroneQ will confirm itself with the codes of conduct, house rules, clothing regulations and other relevant rules of DroneQ and/or its partners and/or customers and strictly comply with them.
  • … Actively support, propagate and act on the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. This includes but is not limited to basic human rights, social justice and cultural diversity. DroneQ will not take on activities such as discrimination in any form, child labor or forced employment.
  • … Refrain from any unethical behavior, including extortion and bribery, and to prevent all forms of corruption. Any form of compensation, remuneration, donations or other benefits that may have any influence on decision-making or imaging of DroneQ and/or its partners and/or customers is strictly prohibited.
  • … Make maximum efforts to protect the environment and environmental protection at all times. DroneQ will strive to recycle, re-use or redecorate products and materials. DroneQ will make maximum efforts to limit the printing of documents and to use environmentally relieving paper where possible, as well as limiting the use of water, energy and the production of waste.

The privacy of our customers and partners is important for DroneQ. We only use your personal information to manage your account, deliver our products and services to you, and inform you of our products and services, to the extent you have granted permission to do so. We attach great importance to the protection, confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and will do everything reasonably possible to protect it. This privacy statement provides an overview of what personal information we collect when you take away from us products and services, why we need this information and how we use it.



We provide drone operation services, software and hardware from suppliers, consulting services, installation and implementation services, training and education and support services. This privacy statement applies to these services.



We need certain personal information to provide you with the best possible products and services and to inform you about our products and services. Some of this information is provided directly by you, for example when you create an account or request a quote. When you request an account or a quote, we process the following information:

  • Name and surname;
  • Salutation (Mr./Ms. etc.);
  • E-mail address;
  • Fixed and mobile telephone number;
  • Business address;
  • Company name;
  • Business Unit;
  • Function
  • Payment and billing information, such as bank account number, KvK number and VAT number;



The following shall be observed for flying at the top of contiguous buildings. The following points are also indicated in the flight plan or flight mission:

  • At least 7 (seven) weeks in advance, the municipality and the government concerned will be informed of the flight to be carried out. The flight plan, flight mission and risk analysis are also provided to both institutions. (the municipality will publish the planned flight.)
  • At least 6 (six) weeks in advance, residents are informed of the flight to be carried out. Residents will also have the opportunity to lodge any objection.
  • At least 4 (four) weeks in advance, an information meeting will take place. During this meeting, the residents concerned will be fully informed of the flight to be carried out. Among other things, the following is reported:

DroneQ Aerial Services may process personal data on the basis of complying with an agreement with customers. However, photos of persons may in some cases fall under the category of biometric data and in that case are special personal data. There are other rules for this. In that case, complying with an agreement is not sufficient reason to be able to process this data.

DroneQ Aerial Services can use agreements with both the owner of the building and the building user in which permission is given that images showing personal data may be processed. Consent is in all cases valid reason to be able to process personal data. The use of a controlled ground area prevents unauthorized people from entering the flight area. This also reduces the risk of people being photographed against their will (although unintentionally).

Each photo taken uses a blurring tool to make windows, faces, license plates and other personal data unrecognizable. However, the removal of personal data is also covered by the processing of personal data. This is why it still takes a valid reason to process this personal data. Of course, the residents have the right to get (limited) access to the images made.



We also exchange information with accountants and bookkeepers and third parties such as partners with whom we work together. Although our partners may change, these are especially vendors of software and hardware, distributors that represent these vendors.



We use cookies on our website solely to improve the user experience. We do not share the information collected by third parties. Cookies are text files that are placed on your device to collect and analyze standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. You can always manage your cookie preferences yourself through your browser settings.



We use your personal information solely for the purposes for which it was collected and, where appropriate, to comply with legal obligations. We use your personal information for the following purposes: execution of the agreements. We process your personal information solely to provide the products and services of your choice.



We use your information to communicate with you in connection with our services via e-mail, text messages or other electronic media. You will receive invoices from us and we can communicate with you to confirm your account, support on the products and services we provide and invite you to participate in customer satisfaction surveys and events.



We would like to inform you via email, SMS or other electronic media about our products and services, or those of other companies (as far as you have granted permission). You have the right to unsubscribe at any time for this information provision. Depending on your preferences, you can unsubscribe, change your settings directly on-line, or contact DroneQ via info@droneq.nl to do this for you.



We use your information to ensure the safety, integrity and protection of our products, services and customers. We process your data for the detection and prevention of fraud, theft and other misuse of our services. If applicable, we may use your information in the context of dispute resolution, to enforce the agreement with you, to enforce our rights to third parties, or to defend ourselves against any claims or allegations made by third parties.



We may process your information in order to comply with legal obligations, such as the administration of records or to comply with legitimate requests from competent authorities (for example, police and/or justice).



If you submit support requests regarding any of our products or services, there is a chance that we will have to process personal data, such as your name, customer ID etc. To resolve the problem. We also process your personal information for some internal operational processes, for example when we transfer customer data to a new storage environment.



In order to carry out our business, we use your personal data for general business processes. For example, We process your data for archival purposes, company insurance, management reports, audits and other administrative purposes.



We share your personal information with third parties such as suppliers and distributors and other partners, depending on the products and services you take from us. We share your information:

  • To the extent necessary to carry out our operations, to provide our services and our partner services.
  • This includes the ability to provide support and to communicate with you in relation to our services;
  • In cases where you have expressly given us permission to do so;
  • If we are lawfully requested to do so in the context of law enforcement, for example for investigations into illegal activities;
  • To maintain our agreement with you where appropriate. For example, if an invoice is not met, we may share your information with a collection agency;
  • To enforce our rights to third parties or to defend ourselves against any claims or allegations made by third parties;
  • To ensure the security, integrity and protection of our services.

To provide our services to you, we use, for example, storage media, administration, marketing and the prevention of fraud. The sharing of data within the company takes place exclusively for our business activities, our service to you and as described in this privacy statement.



For hosting and support your personal data are stored in the European Union. Your personal data is mainly processed by our staff at our head office in the Netherlands. To the extent that we transmit personal data to a country outside the European Union or an international organisation, we ensure that this is done exclusively to those countries and organisations that guarantee adequate protection of your data and rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), or if otherwise permitted under the AVG. If you would like to receive more information about the guarantees we have implemented, please contact our Service Desk.



We retain your personal information only as long as necessary for the purposes for which it is collected or used and/or as long as it is required by law. If you do not use your account for 6 months, it will be deleted. In that case, we no longer actively use your account information, for example, to inform you about our products and services. If you wish to cancel your account, please contact the DroneQ via info@droneq.nl. After termination, your personal data will be deleted immediately, but with the exception of the information we are legally obliged to keep. For example, we are legally obliged to retain data such as copies of invoices for seven years.



You can view and edit your personal information directly through your personal account. For example, you can always choose in your account settings whether or not you wish to receive newsletters from us. How this personal data can be managed by you depends on the products and services you use. If you are unable to view, correct or delete certain personal data, if you wish to receive a copy of your personal data or if you wish to submit a request for limitation of processing, please contact DroneQ at info@droneq.nl. We respond within 5 working days of receipt of such requests.



We collect and process your personal data only when we have a legal basis for this. The following bases apply:

  • The processing is necessary for the execution of your agreement;
  • The processing is necessary for the representation of our legitimate business interests, for example i) to be able to carry out our business activities; ii) for certain forms of direct marketing and profiling; iii) to detect or prevent fraud or misuse of our services; Or IV) for the security of our network and systems;
  • The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, such as the retention of administrative data or to share certain information after a police command for criminal investigations;
  • If you have expressly given us permission for a processing, for example for sharing data with partners for commercial purposes.

When the operation is based on permission, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. In that case, we will terminate the processing of your data. The revocation of the consent does not alter the lawfulness of the processing on the basis of consent before the withdrawal thereof.



If you have any questions about how we use your personal information, please contact DroneQ at info@droneq.nl. You can also contact our data protection officer via info@droneq.nl

You have the right at all times to lodge a complaint with the authority on personal data.



DroneQ is located at Hoenderloo, Weikamperweg 120, 7351 TH, and registered with the Trade register under number 74599690, where decisions concerning the purposes and means of processing personal data occur, occur as Controller for the processing of such personal data.


Hofplein 20
3032 AC Rotterdam
Telephone +31 88 64 65 000



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NG12 5FD

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